Cricket success

Joshua, Year 8

Cricket success2The Archer Academy cricket team enjoyed an exciting win in a tournament held at North London Cricket Club in Crouch End. We played twice each against Haverstock and Latymer, beating Haverstock in both games and winning and losing against Latymer. That left us level on points with Latymer at the top, which meant we needed to play in a bowl-off to decide who finished first. After near misses from both sides, Louis knocked the middle stump over to give the Archer victory.

In most of the games Louis and Jameel each reached 20 runs, which is the point where batsmen have to retire to give other players a chance to bat. Nirav took plenty of wickets, which was particularly impressive as he is in Year 7 and was up against opponents a year older. The rest of the team all played their part. They were Raphy, Teo, Josh, Kian, Daniel and Noah.

This triumph means we progress to the next stage of the competition. Well done to the team.