Prime Minister’s reception – Krishna T and Shyam J, Year 9

Prime Minister’s reception – Krishna T and Shyam J, Year 9

A group of 5 lucky Year 9 students and their teachers had an experience that few people get. Excited and a bit nervous we went through security for 10 Downing Street, when through this we got a chance to knock on the most famous door in the UK. Clutching our science work we then walked up the staircase which displays photos of the UK Prime Ministers over the years.

Once inside we set up our science display showcasing the work of year 7, 8 and 9 at a reception for teachers hosted by the Prime Minister. We spoke with many teachers and ministers about science at the Archer Academy. We even got to show our exercise books to Theresa May!

Watch the No. 10 video clip here:
