Make Beaumont Brilliant

Buy your leaf. Make your mark. Make Beaumont Brilliant.

We need to build a library and resource centre at Beaumont Close, to provide the facilities and space that our GCSE students deserve. The DfE don’t provide any extra money to upgrade the building, so it’s up to us to raise the funds. Will you help us Make Beaumont Brilliant?

Please buy a leaf today and help us bring our plans to life

We’re asking parents, friends and members of the wider community to support our Make Beaumont Brilliant campaign by buying a named leaf for our display. This will be installed at Beaumont Close as a permanent tribute to the people who have supported us. 

There are five different leaves available:

  • Platinum £5,000
  • Gold £1,000
  • Silver £500
  • Purple £100
  • Green £50

Click here to buy your leaf

Every penny of the money we raise will be put towards the building and fitting out of the library, directly benefitting Archer Academy students.

To buy your leaf, please visit our Make Beaumont Brilliant fundraising page. Or, if you would like to make a bespoke donation, please contact Leanne Chase, Finance Director, by calling 020 8365 4110 or emailing

Buying a leaf will not only help us create a fantastic learning environment for our students; it will also give you the chance to leave a lasting reminder of your links to the Archer Academy. Please give generously to this essential campaign, and help us Make Beaumont Brilliant, now and in the future.