Make Beaumont Brilliant

Help us raise an extra £25,000 by the end of term so we can get started



Thanks to donations from a substantial number of our parents, we have already raised a massive £100,000 for our new Upper School library and study centre. So we’re well on the way towards our £150,000 target.

Our Upper School students really need this new space, and we would like to start the work over the summer holidays. But in order to kickstart the process, we need to raise a further £25,000 by the end of the spring term.

Please make your donation by buying a leaf before 4th April

To make your donation, please visit and buy a Make Beaumont Brilliant leaf. There are five different levels available:

Green: £50               Purple: £100               Silver: £500               Gold: £1,000               Platinum: £5,000

All the leaves will be included in a permanent display in the finished library space, leaving a lasting reminder of your links to our school.

If you would prefer to make a bespoke donation, please contact Leanne Chase, Finance Director, by calling 020 8365 4110 or emailing

Thank you for your support.