Green Day

The Archer Young Global Ambassador students proudly presented our second annual Green Day today; all students and staff were invited to wear green and bring in £1 donation for charity. Classes were shown a moving speech made by Greta Thunberg during session one.

Our Year 8 Thematics team held a huge extravaganza with a visiting Green workshop for the entire year group to enjoy, plus a guest speaker from Barnet Green Party, Raymond Obi. These activities tied in with our current theme: ‘Our Environment’. Year 8 students were invited to make campaign posters which could be displayed around the school for the day.

Year 8 also took part in a ‘Green up your act’ workshop today and made these fabulous booklets entirely out of recycled materials. This was part of their thematic unit on global challenges and our way of marking Green Day.

The YGAs held a lunchtime activity making a giant starfish out of discarded plastic bottles so that we can see how many we consume in just a few days. We finished off the day with a green cake sale. We hope to raise plenty of money and awareness for a very worthy cause.

Green Day
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