Community literacy project

We welcomed several local primary school teachers in to reflect on the impact of our very special Community Literacy Project. It is clear that students have thoroughly enjoyed exploring Milo and his journey through the Phantom Tollbooth. A huge well done must go to the following students who produced outstanding work.  Miss Harrison awarded students with the following Phantom Tollbooth Archer Way prizes:

  1. Khiana M: Creative: The Chroma Award for Outstanding Creativity
  2. Chris P: Collaborative: The Humbug, Tock and Milo Friendship    Award
  3. Rafael Q: Articulate: The Honourary Citizen of Dictionopolis Award
  4. Samson G: Analytical: The Honourary Citizen of Digitoplis Award
  5. Romesa Z: Reflective: The Alec Bings Award
Community literacy project