Rugby news

Tuesday evening saw our Year 7’s first rugby fixture of the year, a moment all the players were looking forward to.

They started off really well with a victory against Southgate, Shlok and Jesse with our tries after bulldozing runs. The next 2 games didn’t go to plan, 2 narrow losses, but a learning curve defensively. However, Archer finished strongly with a victory and a draw, 3 tries across those two games scored by Lorenzo. All in all, 2 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses. A great effort for their first Saracens fixture night. Well done!

The Year 9 rugby team returned to The Allianz on Tuesday 26th, after reaching a final last year in the Challenge Cup, hosted by the Saracens. The boys were up against some tough competition in their group, Marylebone Boys, Whitefields, Wren Academy and Westminster.

With a reduced squad due to illnesses and injury, it was always going to be an uphill battle for The Archer, however they showed tremendous resilience in securing 2 wins and 2 losses in the group stage. Unfortunately not enough to make it to the playoff. There were great tackles made by all, particularly Caesar and Freddy who made numerous try saving challenges. Henry and Aiden scored the bulk of The Archer’s tries with amazing solo runs and strength to ride through challenges. Also, well done to Jack for showing superb leadership.

Rugby news
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