Laptops for Learners

We’re raising £5,000 to provide laptops for Archers who need one, please can you help?

Can you imagine how hard it is to try and do a Maths test, write an English essay or explore a History source without access to a computer? For some of our students, keeping up with schoolwork in lockdown is almost impossible. Without easy access to a computer, there’s a big risk they’ll fall behind, especially as most of them won’t be back with us before September.

We’re doing what we can; we’re printing out resources, and have given out 10 school laptops to students who were struggling without one – but we want to do more. We’ve identified the next 20 students whose learning could be most transformed by a basic laptop, and are allocating £1,400 from school funds to put towards the cost. And we’re asking our community to help us raise the remaining £5,000 we need by the end of this half term.

This crisis has shown that amazing things can happen when people pull together to support those in need, something I know our community is brilliant at doing. Please do what you can to help our students who are most at risk of falling behind.

How can you help

1. Click here to make your donation:
2. Share our campaign with friends and family
3. Please make your donation by 22 May so we can get started

laptops for learners