
Supporting your child in Year 7

There are so many exciting opportunities in Year 7. It is a real chance for students to explore new subjects and get stuck into all manner of extra-curricular activities, such as sports clubs, enrichment or joining the school council, not to mention making new friends. So even before they start, it’s worth talking to them about throwing themselves into school life and making the most of the opportunities available to them.

Once they’ve joined us, a key way to support your Year 7 student is to encourage them to take responsibility for their own school life. It will be helpful if you initially assist them with packing school bags each evening and getting into good routines, but encourage your child to take ownership when they are ready.

It’s a good idea to have a copy of their timetable in a central place, so you can check what needs to be brought to school each day. Try and work out a weekly routine, look at their homework timetable together and agree when independent study will be completed. Ensure that your child has a quiet place to complete their homework away from distractions such as phones or tablets.

Moving around for lessons is something new for most Year 7 children and as a result uniform and equipment can easily get mislaid; our lost property pile grows and grows as the year progresses. So please ensure that all clothing and equipment is clearly named and encourage your child to keep track of their belongings.

Do also please remind your child that if they bring a mobile phone it must be switched off and kept in their locker throughout the school day. Smartphones and phones with cameras are not permitted at school and will be confiscated if discovered; we would appreciate your support enforcing this rule, which we have implemented with our students’ wellbeing in mind.

Finally, it may sound obvious but it is really important to talk to your child and listen to them. Try and build in time for talking about what’s going on at school, and what is happening in the outside world. Ask your child their opinions on what is happening and encourage them to read a newspaper.

If you would like to know more about supporting your child with homework, these books might be helpful:

  • Maths for Mums and Dads by Rob Eastaway
  • More Maths for Mums and Dads: The Teenage Years by Rob Eastaway
  • Homework Help for Mums and Dads by Karen Dolby
  • The Usborne Guide to Better English: Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation
  • How to do Maths so Your Children Can Too by Naomi Sani
  • Learning Unlimited: Using Homework to Engage Your Child’s Natural Style of Intelligence by Dawna Markova