Welcome to Year 10

Year 10 is marked by our students’ graduation to our upper school at Beaumont Close, where they will study their GCSEs. This campus is designed to have a more academic, college-like atmosphere, and we expect this to be reflected in our students’ attitudes to learning as they apply themselves fully to their new curricula.

The new linear GSCE syllabus allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge they will require for their exams. Students will be expected develop both their school work and independent study skills, using journals, articles and newspapers to read around their subjects and make links with what they are learning in class.

There is of course always a balance and we will maintain the focus on extra-curricular enjoyment and broader learning for Year 10, through sports fixtures, our enrichment programme, trips, Bright Ideas lectures, the Cultural Society trips and much more. Year 10 students will also take part in a work experience scheme designed to encourage them to reflect on the paths they may wish to pursue after school, and the steps they need to take to reach their goals.