Board Committees and Working Parties

  • Education and Standards Committee (Chair, Ben Whittaker)
  • Finance and Audit Committee (Chair, Jacqueline Ochong)
  • Fundraising and Business Development Committee (Chair, Claire Straus)
  • Head Teacher Performance Management Review Working Party (Chair, David Adams)
  • Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee (Chair, Katie Wiseman)
  • Pay Committee (Chair, Ben Overlander)
  • Resources Committee (Chair, David Adams)
  • Communications Working Party (Chair, Melinda Athinodorou)
  • Lettings Working Party (Chair, John Arvanitis)



Chair of Governors (elected as Chair of Governors by FGB in Sept 2019)

Chair, Resources Committee

Headteacher Performance Management Panel

Maths Link Governor

Trust Member (Sept 2019)


Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Resources Committee

Chair, Lettings Working Party

Governor PE and Education & Standards committee

Lucy Harrison



Headteacher and Accounting Officer from 1st September 2015



Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in July 2017)

Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee

Safeguarding Link Governor


Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Finance and Audit Committee

Governor Modern Foreign Languages

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Resources Committee

Chair Pay Committee

Parent Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2019)

Vice Chair of Governors (elected in January 2020 by FGB)

Chair, Fundraising and Business Development Committee

English Link Governor

Headteacher Performance Management Panel

Communications Working Party

Education & Standards Committee




Staff Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2018)

Education & Standards

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in July 2017)

Vice Chair of Governors (elected in July 2021 by FGB)

Chair, Education and Standards Committee

Post 16 Link Governor

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2020)

Chair, Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee

Governor Creative & Performing Arts

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor Science, Education & Standards Committee, Chair Communications Working Group

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor Thematic Learning, Fundraising & Business Development Committee, Finance and Audit Committee

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor SEND

Pastoral & Wellbeing Committee

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor Student Voice, Education & Standards Committee, Resource Committee

Staff Governor elected March 2021

Pastoral & Wellbeing Committee, Finance & Audit Committee ex-officio

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor Careers, Pastoral & Wellbeing Committee, Fundraising Committee

Parent Governor elected June 2021

Link Governor ADT

Finance & Audit Committee

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB May 2021)

Link Governor Humanities, Education & Standards Committee, Finance & Audit Committee

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB September 2020)

Education & Standards Committee

Link Governor Pupil Premium Committee

Associate Governors



Associate Governor for Finance and Audit (appointment ratified by FGB in November 2017).

Associate Governor for Gifted and Talented (appointment ratified by FGB November 2013)

Associate Governor for Widening Participation (appointment ratified by FGB November 2016)

Associate Governor for ICT (appointment ratified by FGB July 2017)

Associate Governor for Compliance and Governance (appointment ratified by FGB January 2020)

Associate Governor for Fundraising and Business Development (appointment ratified by FGB January 2020)

Governors attendance at Full Governing Body meetings 2018 – 2019

Governors attendance at Full Governing Body meetings 2019 – 2020

Governors attendance at Full Governing Body meetings 2020 – 2021


Governors who have stepped down in 2021

Toby Blume

Founder Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Chair, Finance and Audit Committee
Fundraising and Business Development Committee
Company Secretary
Pay Committee
Trust Member (elected by Steering Group July 2013 as Trust Member)

Louise Dobrin

Vice Chair of Governors (elected in September 2019 by FGB)
Link Governor Coordinator
Education and Standards Committee
Headteacher Performance Management Panel

Cathy Halstead

Founder Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Pastoral and Wellbeing Committee
SEND Link Governor
Communications Working Party

Simran Jouhal  

Staff Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in March 2017)

Grace Palazzolo

Parent Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in January 2017)
Fundraising and Business Development Committee
Science Link Governor

Governors who have stepped down in 2020

Patricia Choiral

Community Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Stepped down July 2020

Adam Fagan

Community Governor (appointment ratified by FGB in July 2018)
Stepped down July 2020

Jon Hindmarsh

Founder Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Stepped down July 2020

Bryan Marcus

Community Governor (Appointment ratified by FGB in September 2019)
Vice Chair of Governors (elected in September 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 by FGB)
Stepped down January 2020

Andry Moustras

Community Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Stepped down July 2020
Stepped down 2019

Avis Johns

Founder Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Chair of Governors (elected as Chair of Governors by full governing body (FGB) in Sept 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018)
Stepped down July 2019

Sarah Glennon

Founder Governor (appointment ratified by Trust in September 2013)
Stepped down September 2019