We’re keen to keep our community informed about the scope and timings of the work at Stanley Road. So here is an overview of the plans.

May – July 2014: Preparation work, such as setting up the site, excavating for the foundations, diverting the public footpath and laying down the base for the 3G pitch.

Summer 2014: The frames for the buildings will go up towards the end of the summer term, followed by the frame for the sports hall around the beginning of the autumn term.

November 2014 – May 2015: Interior facilities developed.

March 2015 – May 2015: External facilities completed.

June 2015: Planned handover of the finished site.

Work will be carried out on the site between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and between 9am and 1pm on Saturdays. Outside of these times, there may be some vehicle movement to minimise congestion during busy periods. No work will take place on Sundays or Bank Holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances, and only then with the approval of Barnet Council.

We have worked with our construction partners to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum; however if you should need to contact the site manager at any time, you can do so as follows:

Name: Paul West

Telephone numbers: 07929 163161; 020 8508 5622

Email: paul.west@kier.co.uk