Year 7 exams will takes place in the week of the 16th June. Homework tasks after half term will therefore focus on revision.

All students should have brought home a copy of our revision guide, which outlines what they need revise for each exam; you can also download a copy below. The guide includes details of how students can logon to SAM Learning, an online revision tool which enables students to complete revision quizzes and past exam papers. Students receive instant marks and feedback as soon they complete an activity on SAM Learning to support them understanding where they need to focus their revision.

Our study skills workshops with Learning Performance identified the importance of a “little and often” approach to revision. Successful revision should be well planned and include regular breaks. 20 minute focused sessions followed by a 10 minute break, then a review and a test, are advised as good practice (revise, rest, review, re test) before repeating the process. Students should set themselves revision sessions in no more than 1 hour blocks, using the format explained.

SAM Learning is particularly excellent for the re test element of revision. Please encourage your child to develop a revision timetable to help them feel organised and avoid leaving things to the last minute. ​




 Year 7 Revision Guide