What will I be learning about in Year 7?

When you start Maths at Archer Academy, you will spend half a term working in mixed-ability classes and, as well as revising a lot of the basic number knowledge that you should have covered in your primary school, you’ll also be pushing yourself to learn things new things.  After this, we will place students of similar abilities into sets in order to ensure students feel comfortable and challenged to an appropriate degree. Throughout the first year, you will continue to build on your Maths knowledge as well as begin to learn about concepts of probability, algebra, constructions and much more that you’ve not yet come across in primary school.

How will it be different from primary school?

As well as having exciting new content to learn, you will be learning Maths from a specialist teacher; someone who really knows about Maths. You will have four dedicated hours of Maths a week with this teacher as well as experiencing Maths on a more subtle level through our exciting thematic learning lessons.

You will be learning individually, in pairs, in groups, with computers, with iPads, and more! Most weeks students get the opportunity to team up and take over the lesson and deliver the content the way they want to deliver it. The students have really enjoyed the ‘student-led learning’ this year and I’m sure you will too.

mathematicsWho will my teachers be?

You will have one of the following teachers:

  • Mr Davies
  • Miss Halsall
  • Mr Naylor

You can find out more about them in the ‘Who will my teachers be?’ section.

How will I be assessed?

You will be given an induction test that gives us an idea of where you are in your Maths knowledge.

After every two topics you will be given an assessment that covers all the concepts that you have just been taught.  These will be marked and you will receive a level for each topic; allowing you to keep track of your own progress. As well as this, you will be given homework that will be completed on computers to allow you to monitor yourself and that you can take as many times as you like to get 100%.

Towards the end of the year you will sit two examinations: a calculator test and a non-calculator test that will cover all the concepts delivered throughout the year.

All assessments will contribute towards your overall level.

What can I do to help myself get off to an excellent start?

You will learn more about this at the Induction Day when you will learn about our online computer software. Here you will be able to complete online activities that, if you complete over the summer, will contribute towards house points and give you a head start on others.