A welcome from David Adams, Chair of Governors

Dear parents and friends,

On behalf of the board of governors, I would like to thank you for your interest in the Archer Academy.

I was appointed as chair of governors in September 2019, taking over from Avis Johns, one of the school’s founders.  In the few short years since Avis and the other founders dedicated themselves to creating the Archer Academy, it has certainly gone from strength to strength. It has gained an outstanding rating from Ofsted and has achieved first class GCSE results for its first two cohorts of students. Building on this superb level of achievement, the school’s leadership team aspire to even greater heights; I and my governor colleagues will continue to work with them to ensure that they succeed.

The governors’ aim is to support and challenge the leadership team to fulfil the school’s founding vision: realising potential, inspiring creativity and engaging with our community. We place a high value on the importance of friendship, respect, inclusion and equality, and strive to help our students become well-rounded, successful, confident citizens. Alongside our ambitious expectations for academic achievement, encouraging aspiration and instilling a true sense of purpose, we aim to provide our young people with the very best secondary education and set them up to succeed in adult life.

I do hope you will visit us and learn more about our wonderful school.

With best wishes,

David Adams
Chair of Governors