Archer Academy graded outstanding by Ofsted across the board


Just six years after opening, the Archer Academy has been judged an outstanding school by Ofsted. The inspectors felt that the school deserved the top rating in all four areas: effectiveness of leadership and management; quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare, and outcomes for pupils.

Among the strengths highlighted in the inspectors’ report are “Leadership is exceptional”, “Pupils make outstanding progress and reach high standards”, “The quality of teaching is routinely strong. This, combined with an effective curriculum and pupils’ excellent attitudes to learning helps pupils to succeed” and “Pupils are friendly, articulate and self-confident. Their behaviour as they move around the building and in lessons is exemplary.”

Lucy Harrison, headteacher, said, “I am delighted that Ofsted have recognised that we are, as we have always aimed to be, an outstanding school. My thanks go to my fantastic staff team, who work as hard every day as they do when the inspectors are visiting, and to my students, who have done us all proud. And I would particularly like to thank, and recognise the achievements of, the school’s founders, whose vision for excellence and sheer hard work over the last eight years are the reason we are here today.”

Avis Johns, the school’s founding chair of governors, added, “The Archer Academy began as an idea, underpinned by the thought, ‘If we were to create a new school, how good could it be?’ Now Ofsted have given their answer; it’s outstanding in every way. I too would like to thank my team of founders and governors, all volunteers, who have worked so hard to create and shape the vision for our school, and support its development. And on behalf of us all, I would like to congratulate Lucy Harrison and her staff team, who have brought it so brilliantly to life. Together, we have created a legacy of excellence for our wider community.”

You can read more and access the full report at