Archer Players Sweep the Board at Drama Festival

Archer Players Sweep the Board at Drama Festival

The Archer Players were among 18 teams who took part in the prestigious Welwyn Garden City Youth Drama Festival with two teams representing both the upper and lower school. The school were delighted to learn that both teams were triumphant in taking 1st place and will now go on to the national competitions in the summer. Both groups focused on feminism, the issues of equality and the significance of one’s own actions. The adjudicator commented of our junior players – ‘that was such a spectacular piece of theatre and of the senior players, ‘you held your audience in a silent state’.

Headteacher, Lucy Harrison said “I am so very proud of all the staff and students involved in the drama competition. I can’t wait to see what the team does next in the national finals.”

Here are the full results of the competition from the organisers of the festival:

A wonderful evening, yesterday, for the last night of our Festival. Every team that participated throughout the week were winners in our book and we wish we could award each and every one of the 300 youngsters who appeared on the Barn’s stage.
Once the marks were totted up, the award winners were revealed as follows:
Senior 1st – Youth Committee Cup
Senior Archer Players with ‘Girls Like That’ (scenes from) by Evan Placey. Directed by Anja Rodford
Senior 2nd – Nero’s Cup
Company of Teens with ‘My Fear -v- The World’ by Ian Jordan. Directed by Chloe Brown, Beccy Baird & Lianne Weidmann
Senior 3rd – Annand Cup
Swavesey Youth Theatre with ‘Girls Like That’ (scenes from) by Evan Placey. Directed by Judith Pawson
Junior 1st – Elizabeth Cory-Wright Cup
Junior Archer Players with ‘When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens’ by Andrew Dean. Directed by Andrew Dean
Junior 2nd – Hinton Cup
Habs Drama Company with ‘Twelfth Night’ by William Shakespeare (abridged by Martin Lamb). Directed by Kate Austin, Jess Folwell & Charlotte Hooker
Junior 3rd – Louis Davis Cup
Barn Youth Theatre Errol with ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell. Directed by Kim Southey
Technical Award – Ball England Cup
The most imaginative & effective use of the stage
Barn Youth Theatre Errol with ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willy Russell.
Directed by Kim Southey
Adjudicator’s Award
Awarded for the fight sequence by
Barn Youth Hermes with ‘Scuttlers’ (abridged) by Rona Munro. Directed by Sean Scotchford
