Big Draw Week

Big Draw week

What a week we have had for our annual Big Draw Week. From Banksy style spray painting to architectural modelling to window drawing at lunchtime. The Archer truly has been taken over by art and design.  We have had some amazing workshops such as painting extensions and graphic font design. We have even gone international by securing an artist who flew in from Italy just for the event!

The ADT department has been blown away by the opportunities that students have been given but just as impressed by the responses and work that they have achieved. All throughout the week pupils have been challenged to consider art and design in new and creative terms and the students have certainly risen to and exceeded that challenge. Well done to all involved.

“I loved the Scrafitto because it was a new way to make art. By layering oil pastels and carving shapes into them we created a very intricate firework display. I am so happy that the Big Draw week went international and that artist flew in from Italy to lead the workshop!” Year 8 student.