Meet our new Student Leadership Team

The new Upper School Student Leadership Team are now hard at work with a range of exciting projects to ensure student voice is at the heart of the school community. Here’s a message from Harry, Head Boy and Rosie, Head Girl

“We are really excited to introduce ourselves as your 2020 2021 Head Boy and Girl. We cannot wait to get started with the rest of our amazing prefect team. Last year the fantastic work done by Dora and Jacob was unfortunately cut short; however, we are still planning to continue their legacy with regards to the Archer Arrow student newspaper.

“We have already set up Student Societies on the Upper School focused on current affairs, such as BLM, Female Leads, Environmental Society, and the LQBTQ+. We are looking to lead a community action project for The Finchley Food Bank and Tricky Periods as well as strengthening the bond between Upper and Lower School.”

Leadership Team