Power of Youth Festival

The Archer Academy and Woodhouse College launched their inaugural Power of Youth Festival in March, a week long collaboration between the schools to empower young people.  The festival enabled some truly special moments focusing on kindness and the power and positivity of young people to shape and change their world. With Random Acts of Kindness permeating across the schools and incredible opportunities for collaborative work with students at Woodhouse College we have the sense that we have enabled space for our students to explore the impact that they can have on their own lives and those of others.

A number of events were held across the week including the A-W community trail. Gold letters from A (Archer Academy) to W (Woodhouse College) were placed in the windows of local businesses and students were invited to walk the trail and explore the local businesses and shops in their community.

On Weds 4th March we held the A-W Exhibition where students were invited to submit work on the themes of Youth and or Community. Students entered some incredible work including speeches, art and poetry.

We brought the week to a close with the Person of the Year Awards on Thursday 5th March with our Guest of Honour, actor Hugh Quarshie. The opportunity to simply share the wonderful things that our young people and staff do each day across both the Archer Academy and Woodhouse College was so special – we are both communities made up of some superb and thoroughly committed individuals. Well done to every young person who got involved and took an opportunity to explore ways in which we can all make a positive difference.