Spring Enrichment Fair

Spring Enrichment Fair

We are thrilled to announce the new enrichment activities on offer to students for this term: Beat Boxing, Philosophy, Coding, Cheerleading, Badminton, Korean Soaps, Lino Printing, Graphic Novels and many more not to mention all our favourites from last term. Please take a look at our comprehensive guides for all year groups here: http://old.thearcheracademy.org.uk/enriching-our-students-lives/
Next week we see the second Enrichment fair of the academic year. Year 7 and 8 will have the opportunity to choose two new termly enrichments – one for Tuesday and one for Thursday and Year 9 and 10 will select one termly Enrichment (Year 9 Tuesday and Year 10 Thursday).  During the fair, students will have the opportunity to get a flavour of all the different courses on offer.