Year 7 form tutors

Video Messages from Year 7 teachers

A series of videos have been put created to give students the chance to get to meet their form tutors before September.

Meet Mr Raghuveer here 7JRA

Meet Mr Mustafa here 7SMU

Meet Miss Ashraf here 7NAS

Meet Mr Evelyn here 7REV

Meet Mr Harris here 7JHA

Meet form tutors Miss Berke and Ms Raffai here 7SRA


Message from Ms Raffai:


I am Ms Raffai, a Maths teacher here at Archer Academy. As a mathematician, I am really looking forward to helping my year 7 form group become resilient and creative problem solvers who never back down from a challenge!

Aside from solving difficult maths problems, I spend my free time cooking and exploring different cuisines and flavours. I look forward to getting know you and your interests too.

Finally, I want you to remember that you are entering a new adventure, and this may make you feel a little bit uncomfortable. However, this adventure will be one you will thoroughly enjoy as you develop into brilliant, resilient, and creative thinkers!