apearsonName: Miss A. Pearson

My job at the Archer Academy:  Head of Year 7

The subjects I will teach:  History

The areas of my subject I most enjoy teaching are: This is a very difficult question to answer because if I am entirely honest, I love most aspects of history.  History is such a varied and fascinating subject.  I like studying how countries rise and fall within the ancient, medieval and modern period.  I particularly like Indian history and the history of those who have conquered others, or those who have been conquered because it has a lasting impact. For example, the Norman conquest of 1066 changed the English language. To summarise, I like all history!

The enrichment activities I am hoping to run after school:  My role with enrichment is to support staff in the delivery of some of these activities; so I may be in all sorts of clubs! However, if I was doing enrichment, I would like to do something creative and practical such as arts and crafts, cooking scrumptious food or designing a garden! 

What I am most looking forward to in the second year of the Archer Academy: Like everyone currently at Archer, I am particularly looking forward to being in a new building with much more outside space. I am also looking forward to seeing how my current year group mature in Y8; I have no doubt they will support the new students as they settle in. I am also excited about the new Y9 curriculum as well as providing even more exciting trips for students.

Two top facts about me:

  1.  I have visited (and lived in some) 33 countries.
  2.  I love sky diving but I’m too much of a wimp to do a bungee jump!!

If I wasn’t a teacher I would be: An explorer or a lawyer or working in international diplomacy.

My message to our new Year 7s: I expect you to work hard in all your subjects, even if you find some harder than others. I want you to try new activities and show commitment, not giving up at the first hurdle, because perseverance is key to success. Equally important, is to show consideration and respect to the Archer community and be a good citizen who thinks for him or herself, but acts for others.