There’s a lot going on behind the scenes at the Archer Academy. Here’s what’s been happening recently.


Please find attached our final newsletter for this academic year. Additionally, information regarding the Full Circle Summer School which may be of interest. It was wonderful to see parents and students throughout Thursday at our Learning Review Day. Staff are busily preparing for our move to Stanley Road. We look   forward to welcoming many of our families to our Stanley Road campus next week for tours. May I take this opportunity to wish you a very restful holiday. Thank you for your ongoing support.


We hope you had a lovely weekend. Attached is our newsletter. Please accept our apologies for  this not reaching you on Friday.A reminder that students will be receiving their exam results this week. All students will be given a form to complete with their level and targets in each subject. Please do ask them about their results


Attached is our newsletter for the week. We look forward to welcoming parents to school for our Archer Café this afternoon from 4.15pm. Have a restful weekend.


Thank you for all your support in what has been a hugely significant week in the life of our school.

Attached is our newsletter for this week. We are very proud of our students’ efforts with their exams throughout this week. Have a lovely weekend


I hope that you had a lovely half term. Our final half of the summer term has started well this week with students making an excellent impression on their teachers with their exam preparation. We wish them the very best of luck with exam week. Attached is our newsletter for the week which includes key dates for the diary. We have a strong team representing the Archer Academy in the Race the Neighbour 10K on Sunday, please do come along and offer your support. Details of how to sponsor those taking part are included in the newsletter. Have a great weekend.


Thank you for all your support throughout this half term. We are delighted to inform you that a cardigan and shorts have been added to our uniform. Students have been proudly modelling the cardigan over the past fortnight. Both the cardigan and shorts are available from Uniform4Kids from the 25th May and can be worn from the 1st June onwards. We look forward to celebrating National Healthy Eating Week from the 1st June. We will be running a special breakfast club and tuck shop throughout this week. Students will need to bring money to school with them to purchase food from the breakfast club and tuck shop. More details are included within the newsletter.


 Thank you for your support throughout this week. It has been lovely to see parents at our Study Skills Workshops and Coffee Morning. A huge thank you to all the parents involved in making the Student Social such a success last night.


Thank you for your support throughout this week.We look forward to welcoming parents to school next week for our Study Skills workshop on Monday 11th May at 7pm and for our Archer Café on Friday 15th May at 4.15pm


Thank you for your support throughout this week.We have had a wonderful and busy week with lots of learning taking place both within and outside the curriculum. Our students have made an outstanding representation of themselves and their school on a number of trips and to visitors to the school. Attached is our newsletter for the week ahead which includes important information about the end of this summer term and the start of the new academic year at Stanley Road.



Thank you for your support throughout this week.

We hope that all our Archer families had a lovely Easter holiday.
We have been delighted to welcome back our students this week and the summer term has got off to an excellent start.



Thank you for all your support throughout this term.
It was wonderful to see all parents yesterday as part of our Learning Review Day. We wish all our Archer families a peaceful holiday.



Thank you for your support throughout this week.

We have been delighted by our students responses to the range of opportunities provided to them through our focus on STEM this week. We can certainly see that we have some future top scientists amongst our student population. We look forward to welcoming all parents to school for Learning Review Day and also for our Friends Association Dinner & Quiz Night on Thursday. Tickets for the Dinner & Quiz Night are available at 7HA will be hosting our Archer Café this afternoon and we hope as many parents as possible will be able to drop in for coffee, cake and a chat.


Thank you for your support throughout this week. Attached is our newsletter for the week which includes some lovely photographs of the trips into London enjoyed by all students this week. A reminder that tickets for our Parent Quiz Night on Thursday 26th March are on sale at We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible.

Have a lovely weekend.


Thank you for your support throughout this week.

We have all thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day today and taking the opportunity to celebrate all things book related.



Thank you for your support throughout this week. Attached to this email is our newsletter for the week. A reminder that we have a non uniform day on Friday for World Book Day – students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite character from a novel. All students should bring a £1 contribution with them on Friday. Staff are also busily preparing their outfits! We have a medical student from King’s College leading a Bright Ideas lecture on Monday and would encourage any students interested in pursuing medicine as a future career to attend.




Thank you for your support throughout this week and the half term.
Attached is our newsletter for the week which includes key dates for the upcoming half term. Additionally, important information regarding ParentPay accounts is included. Also attached is a letter related to the administering of paracetamol at school, please click here. Have a wonderful holiday.


Our students have had a fantastic week enjoying a range of additional opportunities alongside the main curriculum. We have been incredibly impressed by their maturity and enthusiasm.

Attached is our newsletter for this week. We look forward to seeing parents at our Archer Café this afternoon.


Thank you for your support throughout this week.

Attached is our newsletter for the week. Have a lovely weekend.



Thank you for your support throughout this week.

Attached is our newsletter for the week. Have a lovely weekend.




Happy New Year.

We hope that all our families had a wonderful and peaceful holiday. We have been delighted to welcome back our students this week and have had an excellent first week of the new year.

Attached is our newsletter for the upcoming week.

A reminder that we have a late start for students on Friday 16th January, owing to staff training. Students should arrive at school for a 10am start and go directly to their session 2 lesson.

Have a lovely weekend.


Thank you for your support throughout this term.

Our Archer Arts Showcase has been a stunning finale to a wonderful term. Our newsletter for this week is attached alongside this terms edition of our student newspaper The Archer Arrow which can be downloaded by clicking here.

I wish you all a peaceful holiday and look forward to our continuing work together in 2015.


Thank you for your support throughout this week. It has been wonderful to see parents at a host of events throughout this week and then at our Learning Review Day today.

A reminder there are changes to the times of the day next week and details are enclosed within the newsletter.


Thank you for your support throughout this week.

We look forward to welcoming parents to a range of events throughout the upcoming week. Reminders about events are included in our attached newsletter.


It has been wonderful to see so many parents across the course of this week at our Dinner & Auction evening and English & Math Parent Workshop. Thank you for all your support.

We have been delighted to welcome Shadow Education Minister Tristram Hunt and prestigious author Phil Earle to our school this week.

Our newsletter includes details of our charity focus and the mission we have set all our students to help members of our local community.


Attached is our newsletter for the week. We look forward to seeing all parents at our Friends Association Dinner & Auction Night on Thursday 27th November, please do book your tickets.

Have a lovely weekend.


It has been a busy and wonderful week with Yr8 leading poignant assemblies on Remembrance and our Yr7 Celebration Evening.

Our newsletter is attached. Additionally, a further copy of our Friends Association letter regarding our class rep system(please click here to download). We encourage all parents to opt into the class rep system to support the growth of our Friends Association. Please return the form or email Mrs Balman, at by Monday 17th November to confirm you are happy to share your details.

Have a wonderful weekend.



Thank you for your support throughout this week. Our students have made a strong start back after the half term holiday.

Please note the attached letter (please click here to download), along with the newsletter, regarding our parent class rep system organised by the Friends Association. A hard copy of this letter has also been sent home with your child. We very much hope that all parents will sign up to be a part of this system. Please return the form to Zehra Balman by Friday 14th November.

We look forward to seeing many of you later this afternoon at our Archer Café.



It is hard to believe that is already the end of our first half term of this academic year. Time has certainly flown.

Thank you for all your support throughout the last 7 weeks. We are incredibly proud of each and every student.

Attached is our newsletter for the week.



Thank you for your support throughout this week.

Year 7 students, along with their tutor team, are very excited about heading off to Kingswood later this afternoon. No doubt we will have lots of stories to tell next week.

Reminder that school starts at 10am on Monday and students should go directly to their session 2 lesson.



Thank you for your support throughout this week.

We were incredibly proud of all our student ambassadors at our Open Evening on Wednesday.



Thank you for your support throughout this week. Our newsletter for this week is attached.

It has been a wonderful week at school with success on the sporting field, parents meetings and an excellent trip to the London Transport Museum.



Archer News 3

Thank you for your support again this week.

The students are settling in extremely well and have been very excited by the start of all the enrichment activities. Have a good weekend.


Archer News 2

Thank you for your support throughout our first full week.

We have been incredibly impressed by our students mature approach to the range of assessments they completed this week. However, our Enrichment Fairs and sporting successes have certainly been a highlight for the whole Archer community.


Archer News 1

It has been a wonderful start to the academic year. Our Year 7 students have made an impressive start and it has been fantastic to welcome back our Year 8 students.

Thank you for all of your support.