Welcome to Year 9

This year is an important one for our students, as they begin the initial stages of their journey towards successful GCSE examinations. At the close of Year 8, students consulted with teachers and parents to make the first refinements to their personalised curriculums. By taking ownership of their learning, Year 9 students are able to study their favourite subjects in greater depth and explore new courses, such as Classics or Psychology. Archer students are very lucky to have a wealth of options offered alongside their statutory subjects.

Year 9 is full of exciting opportunities inside and outside of the curriculum, and we expect our students to take full advantage of them; challenging and enjoying themselves with new skills and experiences. In addition to beginning their GCSE foundation courses, they also take part in a more demanding enrichment programme, which offers activities such as the Ideas Foundation, Advanced Musicianship, Sports Leaders and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. As the oldest members of our lower school, their leadership skills will certainly be encouraged.

Our aim is to develop mindful, ambitious young people who are able to make mature decisions with both themselves and the wider context in mind. Year 9 students will explore the world around them and ask questions which help them achieve and make progress. By aiming high in this formative GCSE foundation year, our students will ensure that they are on the right path to achieving their potential in the years ahead.