Five ways to support your child and their school

1. Read our weekly newsletter

We send out a newsletter every Friday. It features highlights of the past week, key messages from Miss Harrison and other staff, news and dates for upcoming events and an update from each Head of Year. It’s the best way to be in the know about what’s going on and what opportunities might be coming up for your child.

If you’re not currently receiving the newsletter, this may be because we don’t have the right details for you. Please let us know via so we can update your contact information and add you to our distribution list. And if any of your details change in future, do please let us know straight away.

2.Donate to our Parent Contribution Scheme

No school likes asking for money – but unfortunately, changes in government funding mean that all state schools are facing huge financial challenges which no amount of planning can overcome. So, like most schools, we ask parents to contribute to a voluntary scheme.

You can find out more at or by emailing

3. Get the Show My Homework app on your phone

Supporting your child to get their homework done efficiently and on time will really help them progress at school – and will save a lot of stress at home. You can find everything they have been set, with deadlines and resources, on Show My Homework. If you haven’t been given a login, or need a new one, please contact 

4. Join the Parents Association

The PA puts on events throughout the year for parents and students to have fun whilst raising money for the school. It’s a great way to get involved, get to know your fellow parents and help provide extras for all our students that the school budget doesn’t cover. Please join us! Email 

5. Sign up to easyfundraising

If you shop online, you can raise funds for the school at no cost to you, by signing up to easyfundraising. It’s a great scheme, covering over 2000 retailers, who pay a percentage of whatever you spend to the school; we’ve raised over £8000 to date. Sign up using our unique referral link and once you’ve raised your first £5, we’ll get an extra £5 on top.