Advice Year 7s-Image 2022

Advice from current year 7s 2022

What would be your top tips to our incoming cohort of year 7 Archers?

  • Don’t be afraid to talk to new people!
  • Go to Summer School!
  • Get the chocolate cookies at break – they are amazing!

How would you describe a typical week at the Archer?

It’s very busy and fast paced. We have a mixture of single and double lessons. There are lots of activities for you to get involved in.

What are the teachers like?

They are kind and encouraging towards you. They love to see you succeed and you can always rely on them for help.

How do you find your way around the building?

It’s very easy to remember where to go. The second letter of each room is the floor (G stands for ground floor, F stands for first floor and S stands for second floor). It’s then followed by the room number which go up in numerical order as you walk down the corridor.

What would be your top 3 tips for making new friendships?

  • Be yourself
  • Don’t judge others on the first impression
  • Join as many clubs and try to make new friends, even if you know people from your primary school

How might the Phantom Tollbooth help with your transition to Archer?

  • The Phantom Tollbooth will help your transition to Archer because it’s just like the adventure that Milo goes on.

A final message to our new students:

Don’t be afraid of starting secondary school; everyone is in the same position as you.