
Support our students via the Parent Contribution Scheme

At a time when all state schools are facing increased pressure on their finances, our Parent Contribution Scheme allows us to continue to provide the opportunities and resources that make the Archer Academy such an outstanding school.

The Parent Contribution Scheme benefits all our students, and we are asking all parents and other members of our community to play their part by giving a regular, monthly donation. Typical monthly donations are between £10 and £100 a month, but any amount, large or small, makes a difference when we all join together.

Please set up a monthly standing order with your bank as follows, putting your name and child’s name as the reference. A copy of the Parent Contribution Scheme form can be downloaded here.

Account name : Archer Academy
Account number : 29290868
Sort code: 30-65-41

If you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete and return the GiftAid form. It would also be helpful if you could let us know you have set up a donation, either using the Parent Contribution Scheme form or by emailing

This year donations to the Parent Contribution Scheme included paying for the following: 30 laptops for use by all students; science furniture including work benches and stools; picnic benches for outdoor recreation; author visits; partial funding of the enrichment programme and the hire of our school minibus which is used to transport students to and from sports fixtures and other trips. The money also goes towards the essentials such as text books, equipment and stationery.

Thank you for your support.