Welcome to Year 11

Year 11 is the culmination of every student’s Archer journey. This is your child’s opportunity to demonstrate all they have learnt over their three year GCSE course. Due to the new linear exam structure students face a more difficult challenge than ever before. Because of the lack of coursework the importance of homework becomes even more vital. Every lesson and every day counts and therefore attendance at school is an essential priority for all students.

We will continue to offer enrichments as a key element of the school and to reaffirm the importance of a broad, balanced curriculum. Year 11 students will still take part in trips, Bright Ideas lectures and Cultural Society trips, however the focus will narrow somewhat to allow exams to be the key priority.

The student leadership team

In year 11 we elect a student leadership team via a formal application and interview process. The team consists of Head Girl and Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and Boy and Senior Prefects. This is a great opportunity for students to take on a leadership role within school